Sunday, August 19, 2007

Video: Sonu Arora and C. Venkatesh: WCF Line of Business Adapter SDK

Channel 9 has posted their latest video. From the site:

I recently got a chance to sit down with some of the folks behind the WCF LOB Adapter SDK. Meet Sonu Arora, Program Manager, and C. Venkatesh, Principal Group Manager. Here, we talk about, well, the WCF LOB Adapter SDK. What is it, exactly? What's it for? Why did we make it? How did we make it? Can unmanaged developers take advantage of it? Tune in to find out the answers. For those of you who have no idea what WCF LOB Adapter SDK means:

WCF Line of Business Adapter Team says:

Developers face the challenge of building services that interoperate across organizational and platform boundaries, and connect to existing line-of- business (LOB) systems. At the same time, these services and LOB systems evolve independently of each other, making connecting applications and services a constant challenge.

To simplify this problem for partners and customers, Microsoft has created a common framework based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) – the WCF Line-of-Business Adapter Software Development Kit ( WCF LOB Adapter SDK). With the WCF LOB Adapter SDK, developers now have a consistent and repeatable way to build LOB Adapters for the .NET platform.

For developers and partners, this means a common adapter that can be used across the entire .NET platform, not just a single endpoint like SharePoint or BizTalk Server.

The WCF LOB Adapter SDK ships with a rich set of development tools to automate and simplify adapter development in a consistent and repeatable manner:

For Adapter Developers

• Adapter Development Code Generation Wizard

• Visual Studio 2005 Integration (IntelliSense, context-sensitive help)

• Runtime Components (LOB System Connection Pooling, Metadata Cache Lookup)

For Adapter Consumers

• Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-In

• Consumer Adapter Service BizTalk Project Add-In

Download the WCF LOB Adapter SDK here.

Listen to the podcast(MP3)
Listen to the podcast(WMA)
Download the Video
Watch the Video

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