Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MbUnit 2.4.1 Released

The MbUnit 2.4.1 release was released tonight, this adds some bug fixes and additional functionality on the 2.4.release. In full the following was fixed or added in this release.

[MBUNIT-97] - Assembly setup method run after test suites are generated
[MBUNIT-108] - Test setup and teardown methods are not run for every execution of a repeated test
[MBUNIT-113] - SetUp and TearDown methods not executed for each test in a ProcessTestFixture
[MBUNIT-116] - .mbunit project files not associated by Windows to MbUnit GUI
[MBUNIT-126] - Assert.AreEqual() should support arrays the way NUnit does
[MBUNIT-128] - DirectoryNotFoundException when application exists
[MBUNIT-129] - The Assert.Greater overloads behave differently
[MBUNIT-132] - GenericAssert.FailIsEmpty & FailIsNotEmpty use the unformatted message
[MBUNIT-134] - ThreadedRepeat attribute cause high cpu utilization.
[MBUNIT-146] - Problem with AreNotEqual and object[]
[MBUNIT-147] - Remove assemblies... menu item shouldn't have ellipsis
[MBUNIT-148] - Unhandled exception 'previous state not found' when shutting down MbUnit having run no previous tests

[MBUNIT-115] - RowTest cannot be used with a function that have a paramarray argument
[MBUNIT-127] - Tree state should save the selected node
[MBUNIT-130] - Provide Version Numbers in the Assembly Metadata

[MBUNIT-131] - Improve test coverage

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